Technology portfolio to power a
low carbon future

Technology portfolio to
power a low carbon future

TRL 5-6
Susteon’s novel post-combustion CO2 capture solvent that is environmentally safer and acts as a drop-in replacement for existing CO2 capture solvents
Dollar sign in a circle
Costs 44% lower than existing solvents($45/ton CO2)
CO2 with circle icon
Captures over 97% of the CO2 from the industrial flue gas
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Illustration of Sustenol with solvent absorbing Co2
Electrically Resistive Structured Catalyst
Susteon’s sorbent/catalyst to coat tailored structures for highly efficient, uniform, and targeted Joule heating up to 900o C
power button icon
Inexpensive parts with quick startup and shutdown ability
leaf with lightning bolt icon
Tunable resistance for efficient integration of renewable electricity
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ERSC layers of multiple catalysts
TRL 2-3
Adaptive RWGS for CO2 Utilization at Scale
An electrified, modular, and inexpensive catalytic Reverse Water Gas Shift reactor capable of converting CO2  and H2 into FT-ready syngas.
energy efficient icon
>90% energy efficient
thermometer with fire icon
Over 75% CO2 conversion at temperatures above 700o C
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Illustration of sustainable aviation fuel and ship fuel being produced by Syngas  through hCo2 hydrogenation
TRL 2-3
Electrified CO2 Hydrogenation to Olefins
Tailored catalyst for single step electrified upgrading of CO2 to valuable hydrocarbons  that are precursors to sustainable aviation fuel, plastics and renewable LPG
chemicals icon
Covers production of both lower olefins and paraffins
fuel icon
Intensifying fuel production from CO2 in the 300-400o C range
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illustration of Co2 to hydrogenation producing propylene, Ethylene, Propane  to form sustainable aviation fuel, green plastics and rLPG
Dual Function Materials
Susteon’s tailored adsorbent + catalyst combines the capture and conversion of atmospheric CO2 in a single low cost and modular unit
CO2 icon
Adsorbs CO2 (>4 wt.%) under ambient conditions
lightning bolt with circle
Low regeneration energy with long-term, multi-cycle stability
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Dual function materials producing RNG that inturn  lead to pipelines
TRL 2-3
Electrified CO2 Concentrator (ECCO)
Novel hydrophobic sorbent with high oxidative stability and the ability to regenerate by air sweep – avoiding vacuum and/or purge
temperature and snowflake icon
Enhanced adsorption rate with low regeneration temperature (<70o C)
wind icon
Simple and scalable process design with air regeneration ability
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ECCO process leading to Concentrated Co2 with leads to cement production
TRL 2-3
Hydrogen from Pyrolysis of natural gas
Over 90% thermocatalytic conversion of natural gas into hydrogen and solid carbon using a novel electrically heated structured catalyst (ERSC)
thermometer with fire icon
Efficient Joule heating with catalyst coating, up to 900o C
carbon icon
Pathway to $1/kg H2 with valuable carbon and inexpensive system
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Methane Pyrolysis creating hydrogen  for Power generation and fuel cells
TRL 5-6
Susteon’s novel post-combustion CO2 capture solvent  that is environmentally safer and acts as a drop-in replacement for existing CO2 capture solvents
Dollar sign in a circle
Costs 44% lower than existing solvents($45/ton CO2)
CO2 with circle icon
Captures over 97% of the CO2 from the industrial flue gas
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Illustration of Sustenol with solvent absorbing Co2
ERSC layers of multiple catalysts
Electrically Resistive Structured Catalyst
Susteon’s sorbent/catalyst to coat tailored structures for highly efficient, uniform, and targeted Joule heating up to 900o C
power button icon
Inexpensive parts with quick startup and shutdown ability
leaf with lightning bolt icon
Tunable resistance for efficient integration of renewable electricity
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TRL 2-3
Adaptive RWGS for CO2 Utilization at Scale
An electrified, modular, and inexpensive catalytic Reverse Water Gas Shift reactor capable of converting CO2  and H2 into FT-ready syngas.
energy efficient icon
>90% energy efficient
thermometer with fire icon
Over 75% CO2 conversion at temperatures above 700o C
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Illustration of sustainable aviation fuel and ship fuel being produced by Syngas  through hCo2 hydrogenation
illustration of Co2 to hydrogenation producing propylene, Ethylene, Propane  to form sustainable aviation fuel, green plastics and rLPG
TRL 2-3
Electrified CO2 Hydrogenation to Olefins
Tailored catalyst for single step electrified upgrading of CO2 to valuable hydrocarbons  that are precursors to sustainable aviation fuel, plastics and renewable LPG
chemicals icon
Covers production of both lower olefins and paraffins
fuel icon
Intensifying fuel production from CO2 in the 300-400o C range
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Dual Function Materials
Susteon’s tailored adsorbent + catalyst combines the capture and conversion of atmospheric CO2 in a single low cost and modular unit
CO2 icon
Adsorbs CO2 (>4 wt.%) under ambient conditions
lightning bolt with circle
Low regeneration energy with long-term, multi-cycle stability
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Dual function materials producing RNG that inturn  lead to pipelines
ECCO process leading to Concentrated Co2 with leads to cement production
TRL 2-3
Electrified CO2 Concentrator (ECCO)
Novel hydrophobic sorbent with high oxidative stability and the ability to regenerate by air sweep – avoiding vacuum and/or purge
temperature and snowflake icon
Enhanced adsorption rate with low regeneration temperature (<70o C)
wind icon
Simple and scalable process design with air regeneration ability
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TRL 2-3
Hydrogen from Pyrolysis of natural gas
Over 90% thermocatalytic conversion of natural gas into hydrogen and solid carbon using a novel electrically heated structured catalyst (ERSC)
thermometer with fire icon
Efficient Joule heating with catalyst coating, up to 900o C
carbon icon
Pathway to $1/kg H2 with valuable carbon and inexpensive system
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Methane Pyrolysis creating hydrogen  for Power generation and fuel cells
TRL 5-6
Susteon’s novel post-combustion CO2 capture solvent that is environmentally safer and acts as a drop-in replacement for existing CO2 capture solvents
dollar decrease sign
Costs 44% less than existing solvents ($45/ton CO2)
Co2 sign
Captures over 97% of the CO2 from industrial flue gas
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TRL 4-5
Electrically Resistive Structured Catalyst
Susteon’s sorbent/catalyst to coat tailored structures for highly efficient, uniform, and targeted Joule heating up to 900o C
power button
Inexpensive parts with quick startup and shutdown ability
lightning in a circle
Tunable resistance for efficient integration of renewable electricity
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TRL 2-3
Adaptive RWGS for CO2 Utilization at Scale
An electrified, modular, and inexpensive catalytic Reverse Water Gas Shift reactor capable of converting CO2  and H2 into FT-ready syngas.
blue lightning sign
>90% energy efficient
temperature with fire
Over 75% CO2 conversion at temperatures above 700o C
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TRL 2-3
Electrified CO2 Hydrogenation to Olefins
Tailored catalyst for single step electrified upgrading of CO2 to valuable hydrocarbons  that are precursors to sustainable aviation fuel, plastics and renewable LPG
chemical Symbol with beaker
Covers production of both lower olefins and paraffins
fuel symbol
Intensifies fuel production from CO2 in the 300-400o C range
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TRL 5-6
Dual Function Materials
Susteon’s tailored adsorbent + catalyst combines cyclic capture and conversion of CO2 in a single, low cost, and modular unit
Co2 circle with blue circle
Adsorbs CO2 from ambient air (400ppm) or point sources (4-10%)
lighting symbol with circle
Low regeneration energy with long-term stability
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TRL 2-3
Electrified CO2 Concentrator (ECCO)
Novel hydrophobic sorbent with high oxidative stability and the ability to regenerate by air sweep – avoiding vacuum and/or purge
temperature with snowflake
Enhanced adsorption rate with low regeneration temperature (<70o C)
wind symbol icon
Simple and scalable process design with air regeneration ability
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TRL 2-3
Hydrogen From Pyrolysis of Natural Gas
Over 90% thermocatalytic conversion of natural gas into hydrogen and solid carbon using a novel electrically heated structured catalyst (ERSC)
temperature with fire symbol
Efficient Joule heating with catalyst coating, up to 900o C
Pathway to $1/kg H2 with valuable carbon and inexpensive system
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