Sustenol TM

SustenolTM is a patented water-lean mixed amine solvent for CO2 capture from point source and industrial flue gas streams. It has been extensively tested at bench-scale and pilot-scale.

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Drop-in solvent for any amine-based systems without equipment or process modifications
Currently commercially manufactured and can be supplied globally.
A cost of CO2 capture at $45 per ton for natural gas combined cycle.
High Efficiency
Can remove >97% CO2 at low L/G (<1)
Low regeneration energy with long-term, multi-cycle stability
Faster kinetics and mass transfer rates
Higher working capacity
High Stability
Low degradation rate
Stable in O2, NOx and SOx
Lower corrosion
Thermally stable up to 150°C allowing for high-pressure regeneration
Drop-in solvent with existing and emerging process designs
No complex equipment or flue gas pretreatment needed
All solvent components commercially available
Three orders of magnitude lower pressure vapor than 30wt% MEA
Extremely low vapor emissions
Low toxicity
High eco-friendly index
Applicable Industries
Iron & Steel
Chemical & Petro chemical

Sustenol is backed and vetted by industry leaders

Feburary 2022

Stirred Tank Screening Reactor

Scale : 1 kg CO2/day

Proof of concept testing of solvent for key parameters such as working capacity, absorption rate, and vapor pressure.

Jan 2023

Start of DOE-FE-0032216 project

Received $1M to develop a novel solvent, Sustenol™, with a 40% reduction in CO2 capture cost relative to the state-of-the-art technologies.

June 2023

Semi-batch bench scale absorption column

Scale : 15 kg CO2/day

Confirmation of solvent performance under realistic process conditions and formulation optimization.

December 2023

Pilot scale continuous solvent based CO2 capture system at PDEU

Scale : 350 kg CO2/day

External validation of solvent performance at higher scale in more commercial relevant system

July 2024

Start of DOE-FE-0032461 project

Received $6 M to further develop Sustenol™ to be run at a 5 tonne CO2/day scale at NCCC

October 2024

Sustenol™ Patent 18/443,242 Notice of Allowance granted.

December 2024

Susteon’s continuous solvent based CO2 capture pilot

Scale : 40 kg CO2/day

Long term testing of Sustenol™ in a commercially relevant system to identify optimal process conditions and investigate degradation when exposed to NOx and SOx

January 2025

Sustenol™ emissions as well as thermal and oxidative degradation tested at SINTEF

Received $6 M to further develop Sustenol™ to be run at a 5 tonne CO2/day scale at NCCC

April 2025

1000 hours of continuous testing to be done in Susteon’s in house continuous pilot

August 2025

National Carbon Capture Center pilot scale solvent test unit

Scale : 5 tonne CO2/day

10,000 liters of solvent will be used to capture CO2 from flue gas via a 0.5 MW NGCC power plant to demonstrate viability at a pre-commercial scale.

PILot Scale Validation

Validated from lab to engineering scale

Project Team

Built from decades of expertise in solvents, gas and carbon management

Dr. Aravind R. Rabindran

Research Chemical Engineer II

20+ years of experience in solvent development

Dr. Jim Zhou

Chief Science Officer

30+ years of experience in gas processing

Dr. Raghubir Gupta


35+ years of experience in carbon management

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